Mission Leadership Assignment

Dear Sister Emily Marie Frasure,


Thank you for accepting the assignment to serve as a Trainer in the Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission. This is a position of great trust, responsibility, and influence.


As part of your assignment, you will have a sacred stewardship to:


1. Set an example for each missionary in the mission by planning for and achieving your weekly Key Indicator goals, having effective study of the scriptures and the gospel, being obedient, working hard, always improving your proselyting skills, and in all other aspects of missionary work.


2. Carry a full proselyting load in your area and work with faith and diligence to accomplish your purpose as a missionary (see Preach My Gospel, chapter 1).


3. Work with, train and inspire the new missionary in your care with love, patience, charity, and empathy.


4. Respect the contributions and insights of the new missionary as an equal companion.


5. Spend additional training time each day in companion study (see the LBRM I Can Statements for Becoming Disciples of Jesus Christ and Preach My Gospel).


6. Study the Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ with your companion daily.


7. Train the new missionary on topics found in the Safeguards for Using Technology and Adjusting to Missionary Life resources.


8. Look after the well-being of the missionary in your care and ensure that you and all missionaries live in strict compliance with the standards regarding conduct with members of the opposite sex (see Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ).


9. Demonstrate how to work with local ward leaders and members to coordinate missionary efforts.


Please report any concerns you have to your district leader. If these concerns are confidential or urgent, please report them directly to me.


The assistants, zone leadership and I will help train you about your duties. However, please recognize that you also have a responsibility to learn your duty and magnify your assignment (see Doctrine and Covenants 107:99-100; 88:80; 58:26). Answers to most of your questions will be found in the scriptures, Preach My Gospel, and the Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ.


You are a standard bearer and a servant to the new missionary in your care. You represent the Savior and the mission president. This is a great trust.


As you know, assignments in the Church come and go. There will be a time when your assignment will be changed. Please magnify this stewardship while it is in your charge.


I am grateful for your help in loving, serving, and watching over our new missionary. Sister Amos and I love and support you.


With much love,

President John D. Amos


Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission Office
25367 Riverton Ave
Denham Springs, Louisiana 70726

cc: To the Parents of Sister Emily Frasure


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